What does it look like to do the hard work? Why do we run away from it so often? Today I am diving into why hard work is a good thing, why it matter to me personally and how doing hard things makes us stronger. Get ready for some motivation and encouragement! Here for you friend.

More episodes on mindset to check out:
- #148: Finding freedom in fitness and food with Abby DeGraff
- #126: Living a life filled with passion with Pauline Erickson
- #110: 7 mindfulness practices to incorporate today
Do the hard work
In episode 149 of Fit Mama Real Food Radio we’re chatting about the concept of doing the hard work. Why does it matter that we put in effort when things get tough? If you’ve been needing some encouragement around making a shift in an area in your life, this episode is for you.
Links from the show
- Join the 4 Day Dinner Prep Challenge starting Oct 23rd!
- Thanks to our podcast sponsor Seattle Elderberry! Use code FitMamaRadio for 20% off your first order!
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