Any fajita recipe needs flavorful and perfectly cooked fajita veggies! Here you’ll find a great tutorial for how to saute fajita vegetables, plus tasty and unique ways to serve these…
Side dish
Fresh, crunchy and flavorful, this lemon tahini slaw recipe is the perfect match to go along with barbecue, tacos, or even fried falafel. It’s has the perfect mix of savory…
Elevate whole carrots with this easy maple glazed roasted carrots recipe! The combination of roasted carrots with a maple syrup glaze brings a whole new level of sweet caramelization to…
A great side dish is just 20 minutes away! Healthy roasted broccoli and carrots is an easy side dish that pairs perfectly with almost any protein. When you’re stuck on…
Chilis, soups, and barbeques need this sweet cornbread cast iron skillet recipe! Baking in a hot cast-iron skillet gives each piece of cornbread crispy edges and the perfect tender crumb.…
This easy broccoli salad recipe without bacon is such a delicious recipe! It’s a great side dish to bring to family gatherings, backyard bbq get-togethers, or any weeknight when you’re…
Maple cinnamon roasted butternut squash is the perfect addition to your holiday table. When fall hits, and winter squash season arrives you better bet I’m making roasted butternut squash! Roasting…
Take farro to a whole new level with this bacon and brussels sprout farro salad! Explore this ancient, nutritious grain with the familiar and mouth watering bacon and brussels sprouts…
These crispy potato bites will become a game changer in your kitchen. Simple to prep with amazing results. Crispy on the outside, creamy potato inside. Get em! Potatoes are a…
We recently returned from an amazing vacation to the Oregon coast. We absolutey love Newport, which is where we stayed. While there, we discovered a few gems – tide pools…