Happy Sunday morning! How’s your weekend going?
Mine’s been super! I got a workout in yesterday morning, and now my entire body is sore. Like every muscle. No. Joke. I just leaned forward a bit and my abs started to yell at me. It wasa good one, but more on that in a bit.
I hit up the meat market + grocery store and that was it for Saturday. Jacob and I enjoyed a leisure day at home. He bottled his newest (red) beer and I helped out. I was on bottle sanitization duty.
I’m very good at sanitizing. In fact, it was my job when we brewed beer the first time.
Before heading to the store I made my menu for the week. I didn’t follow the 3-2-2- concept to a t, but pretty close. Again I marked which meals were M (meat),F (fish) or V (vegetarian).
M – Saturday: Portobello pizzas topped with italian sausage, spinach, onions and goat cheese + regular and sweet potato fries + green salad
M – Sunday: Dinner at parents (probably a meat meal)
V – Monday: Mexican corn cakes + black beans + jalapeno poppers
F – Tuesday: Crunchy munchy fish nuggets + quinoa veggie salad
M – Wednesday: Pasta bake with spinach and italian sausage + steamed broccoli
V – Thursday: Avocado and veggie filled chickpea flour crepes + orange slices
M – Friday: BBQ burgers (same meat patties without the extra sauce and fry toppings) + green salad
Although we’re only having fish once this week for dinner, I know I’ll be eating it more often throughout the week. I’m still tuna obsessed!
Have you done your meal planning? What meal are you looking forward to most this week?
Harder Than Anything Workout
As I said before, every muscle in my body is sore. Let me expand a bit…
– Walking down the stairs feels like a workout for my quads
– I didn’t know so many ab muscles were used to get up from a chair
– Getting into a chair is a sssllloww process
– Sitting up straight actually requires me the think about pulling my (sore) shoulder blades together
Luckily it’s just muscle soreness and no pain. I know it’ll go away after another day or two.
The reason I’m so sore is because this workout was very different from anything I’m used to. It makes sense that I’d be sore. If you’re hitting a plateau in your fitness/weight loss goals, it’s always a good thing to change it up.
Change it good! Change is fun! Change makes change!
Now onto this workout. I did it at the track, but you could definitely do this on a long street – you’d just go back and forth instead of in a circle.
Want to hear something funny about this workout? When I was planning it out originally my goal was to complete each round 3 times through before moving to the next. Ha! Crazy me. I ended up doing 1 round of each set and the entire workout still took me 1 hour + 10 minutes (not including warm up + cool down). Obviously I was a little out of my mind when I was creating this. It’s much more management now that I’ve actually done it.
Let me know if you try this workout! It sure is a doozy.
Harder Than Anything Workout
Complete each round before moving onto the next. Take breaks as you need them – you will need them! This is a serious power and endurance workout. The majority of the workout focuses on large muscles groups. Each round is made up of 3 exercises which will take you once around the track. The 3rd exercise (focused strength) is completed when you get back to the start before moving onto the next round (which takes you around the track again).
Warm up for 7-10 minutes. I jogged to the track which took me 7 minutes.
Round 1
1/2 lap walking lunges
1/2 lap high knees
10 push upsRound 2
1/2 lap ski jumps
1/2 lap crawl on hands + feet
10 tricep push ups with alternating leg upRound 3
1/2 lap low side walking prisoner squats (switch sides every 10)
1/2 lap side to side helicopter hops (hands on ground, feet together. Jump your legs from one side of your body to the other, move your hands and jump your feet back – repeating as you move forward)
10 wide push ups with twistRound 4
1/2 lap jumping skaters
1/2 lap crab walk
10 round kicks (each leg)Round 5
1/2 lap forward squat jumps
1/2 lap crawl/crab rotators (flip over from crawl to crab position rotating at your side)
10 pike presses
Cool down for 10-15 minutes. Walk and stretch. I walked back home which took me 13 minutes – I had no energy left to run home!
All in all this workout took me 1 hour and 30 minutes (20 minutes of that was the warm up + cool down). I took a lot of breaks and really had to push myself to continue and finish each 1/2 lap.
It was a major challenge but I look forward to doing it again… maybe in a week!
Are you going to try this workout? I’d love to hear if you do!
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Glad you got in a kick butt workout! That I can’t move feeling is so awesome 🙂 Meal plan looks yummy- especially the Mexican corn cakes- love making cornmeal pancakes. I do my meal planning usually on Thursdays and food shop on Fridays. I am most looking forward to spanikopita burgers! With mozzarella instead of feta
Mmmmm I love spanikopita! I can’t wait to see you share that burger!
I wish I could meal plan like you! but I am not that organized yet haha 🙂 everything sounds amazing though!
I bet you can! I used to not be a meal planner but when we got on our tighter food budget it forced me to become more organized.
Oh my goodness, this workout sounds intense! I am going to have to give it a try.
Brewing beer sounds like so much fun! I am sure the final product is worth all the effort.
It sure is worth it! The second batch will be ready Saturday and I can’t wait to try it out! Hope you like the workout Kristen!
That sounds awesomely intense, girl! Way to ROCK it!!
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I really would love to see a recipe for the vegetarian crepes! YUM.
I may try this workout!!! It looks TOUGH
It is a toughy!
girl, this workout sounds intense, love it 😉
and love that you make your own beer, um, just might have to try that
Homemade beer is pretty rockin! I thought you girlies would be into this workout 🙂
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