Home | hardwood floors + incline treadmill walking workout

hardwood floors + incline treadmill walking workout

by Heather

Oh happy Monday! I wanted to start out by thanking you all for your sweet words on my struggles with pregnancy weight gain. Every comment made me feel that much better.

A weekend of no work and major relaxation makes me feel better too. Our hardwood floors are installed! There are a couple touch up things to be done, but we’re taking a little break from working. It was an intense 6 days of work. Make sure to check out day one and day two before coming back to see the final product. Here are a few photos!

We have been loooooooving our new floors. It’s been a dream of our to have hardwood floors since we bought the house 3.5 years ago and we finally made it happen! Joe definitely moves around a lot slower, but I bet he’ll get used to it. If not, oh well, less chasing of the cat won’t be a bad thing! No more lugging the vacuum upstairs anymore too! A quick sweep and it’s all cleaned up.

Incline Treadmill Walking

I had planned to run this morning, but I’ve been deep into reading Nina Planck’s Real Food for mother and baby and changed my mind to include treadmill walking this morning so I could read. Last week I did some incline treadmill walking and loved it. Today I did again!

Incline treadmill walking is so much more of a workout to me than just walking. Powering up that include uses different muscles (a lot more calves and glutes) than just regular walking. Definitely something you should try if you never have before!

25 Minute Incline Walking Treadmill Workout

What I love most about this workout is that it’s constantly changing every few minutes. No getting bored here!

Warm up:
0-3 minutes (m) @ 3.5 speed (s) and 5%

3-5m @ 3.6s and 6%
5-7m @ 3.7s and 7%
7-9m @ 3.7s and 8%
9-11m @ 3.7s and 9%
11-13m @ 3.7s and 10%
13-15m @ 3.7s and 11%
15-17m @ 3.7s and 12%
17-20m @ 3.7s and 13%

Cool down:
20-23m @ 3.5s and 5%
23-25m @ 3s and 0%


These speeds are what I used and found challenging. Increase or decrease as needed.

Are you a fan of incline treadmill walking?

Have a great one!


PS: If you have not yet entered to win a copy of Between Interruptions, there are just a couple days left. Hurry over and enter.

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Amy@ahealthyandhappyheart January 30, 2012 - 9:23 am

Love the color if those hardwood floors! Great job guys..your hard work has def. paid off 🙂

Bianca @ Confessions of a Chocoholic January 30, 2012 - 10:13 am

I’ve forgotten how great of a workout incline treadmill walking us until I read this post! I’ll most prob do it this week, thanks for the reminder 🙂

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:04 am

You’re so welcome Bianca… Enjoy it!

Tiff January 30, 2012 - 10:28 am

Oh wow – the floors look great! I love them.

On a side note, I’m also a sucker for gray and white together. I did my guest bedroom in gray and white not long ago. <3 It

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:04 am

Grey + white is such a good combo! We love it 🙂

Erica January 30, 2012 - 10:31 am

Ah! They look FABULOUS- you must be so excited! I like doing intervals on the treadmill in general! Walking & running on various intervals- keeps things interesting for sure

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:05 am

Intervals definitely keep it more interesting on the treadmill. It can get pretty boring at steady state!

Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries January 30, 2012 - 11:50 am

incline walking is always a great option when you’re just not feelin’ a run or need a lower impact cardio option. i love throwing one in here or there to switch things up sometimes. you’re right – they definitely work the glutes and calves! mine always seem to be sore after incline walks!

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:06 am

For real, and my booty!

Lauren @ What Lauren Likes January 30, 2012 - 11:52 am

LOoks fabulous! 🙂

Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers January 30, 2012 - 1:49 pm

So glad your feeling a little better. Your floors are GORGEOUS! Just think another task done!! Woohoo!

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:06 am

One of many many tasks, haha

Andrea@WellnessNotes January 30, 2012 - 2:57 pm

The floors are beautiful!!!

Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner January 30, 2012 - 6:44 pm

I am a definite fan of incline treadmill workouts! (I did one this morning on my new treadmill! :D) Thank you so much for sharing this workout!

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 9:07 am

New treadmill?! How exciting!!

The Candid RD (Gina) January 31, 2012 - 4:34 am

I am DYING to know where you got your hardwood floors, and how easy/difficult the process was (As far as ordering and having them installed). Also, can you give me an idea of how much you spent?? You don’t have to, but we are thinking of getting ours re-done and have no idea what we may be getting ourselves into!

When it comes to treadmills, I prefer walking to running, and incline walking is my FAVORITE thing to do! Great workout, and best for my knees.

Get Healthy with Heather January 31, 2012 - 7:16 am

Hey Gina! We bought them at home depot, this one: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053&productId=202700081&R=202700081

The store near us had them in stock so we didn’t have to order, which was nice. I think including the flooring + all the supplies we spent around $2,000, maybe a little less. We only had to cover just under 700 sq/ft so not too large of a space. Jacob says it wasn’t challenging, just not very fun because you’re doing the same thing over and over again. It took us (but mainly Jacob) 6 days to get it all done, probably around 50 or so hours. Let me know if you have any other questions! It was definitely worth the work, we love them.

Alaina January 31, 2012 - 2:29 pm

Your floors look lovely! And I love your farm sink in the kitchen. 🙂

wall-o-pictures, made better | Get Healthy with Heather February 20, 2012 - 6:41 am

[…] so glad our hardwood floor project is all done.  One BIG check off the old […]

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