Growing up in the Pacific Northwest made me privy to certain things…
lots of rain…
even random bouts of hail yesterday…
tons of greenery…
all four seasons…
beautiful places to hike…
and marionberries.
When I last shared marionberries in my buttermilk soaked overnight marionberry french toast, I couldn’t believe how many of you had never heard of marionberries!
Marionberries are a cross between blackberries and raspberries, but are much sturdier than raspberries and pretty large in size. They were originally grown in Oregon, which, lucky for me, is just 5 minutes away!
I picked up another bag of NW grown frozen marionberries at Costco yesterday. Buying local is good. 🙂 The first bag just went WAY too quickly.
One of the easiest and simplest ways I’ve been enjoying these bursting berries is in oats. And if you’ve been reading here for half a minute you know what kind of oats I’m talking about…….
Custard oats!
Oh they’re just so creamy and filling, I can never get enough.
I love how the marionberries bleed throughout the oats, but leave their seeds (?) whole. So pretty. Would have been a great valentines breakfast all that pink.=
I’ve been using a different method to make the custard oats than in most of my previous shares. Instead of whipping the egg up separately, then once the oats are cooked adding it in, I just whisk the egg in from the get go and it cooks along with oats. So much simpler!
Saves me time + saves me from cleaning that extra bowl. While I do think the oats get a liiiittttttle bit fluffier and creamier when you add the whipped egg in at the end, I love the simplicity of a one-pot meal.
You can take your pick. Make it the original way, or follow along the new way. Either way it’s going to be good!
Oh and don’t forget the almond butter. Peanut butter has always been my number one pick for oats, but there’s something about the marionberry and almond butter together than makes me swoon.
Vanilla Scented Marionberry Custard Oats
Serves 1Ingredients
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1 + 1/4 cup water
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup frozen marionberries (or sub in your favorite berries)
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- pinch of sea salt
- toppings: almond butter (highly recommend!!)
- Combine all the ingredients except the topping in a small pot. Turn to medium heat and whisk together. Continue to whisk every 2 or so minutes as the oats cook.
- Once thickened up, remove and top with almond butter (or your favorite toppings).
And then it ends up looking like this. All swirled together in a creamy bowl of goodness. I know what I’m making for breakfast this morning!
But first Joe and I are going to brave the cold for a morning walk. It’s 34 degrees outside and frosty right now.
Thank you Pacific Northwest, for that too.
Is there a special berry or fruit that grows exclusively in your area? I’d love to hear about it, then I’ll totally want to get my hands on it!
What pretty oats!! I’ve never had marionberries before, but now I really want to get my hands on some!
Hope you guys bundled up for your walk! I cannot wait for spring to get here!
I can’t wait for warmer weather too! It was such a nice walk and the pup loved it too.
The color is just so darn gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want to wake up to that?? How are you feeling?
I know I loved waking up to it! I’m feelin pretty good, definitely more tired, but chugging along. Thanks for asking 🙂
Yum! I had Marionberry jam and its so good! I don’t recall if I actaully ever saw Marionberries in the store, I’ll have to look. What I would so do, is make a big batch of your oatmeal, once it cools refrigerate it, it will grow everyday, so you get more food for less calories, plus it gets all thick and delish. I love to do that with a good oatmeal mix and then I add it to my yogurt parfaits. I am totally making oatmeal tonight it’s been a few weeks, since I had any.
P.S. I’m going to look for those berries!
That’s a great tip! Oatmeal that grows and grows is always a good thing :). Hope you can find them!
These oats look amazing!! 🙂
And I just love this color. Almost too pretty too eat…almost. 😉
Heather, these creamy purple oats look great!!
I’ve never heard of marionberries either! I used to make banana oats daily but never added eggs to them. I kind of OD’ed on the stuff a few years ago but this makes me want to try them again. So pretty!
I’ve never tried just cooking frozen berries in with my morning oats–I love the idea!!
It heats them up perfectly!
I’ve never heard of marionberries before this either! They look and sound delicious though! A cross between blueberries and raspberries?! Yum two of my favorites!!! I’ll have to see where I can get my hands on some of these!
I want to try that frozen berries in yogurt though, that sounds delicious!
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