Home | 10 of my favorite fats

10 of my favorite fats

by Heather

One thing I’ve noticed with my eating is that I really enjoy more fats in my diet.  Fats keep me fuller longer, I become naturally full while eating (when I eat slowly), they make food taste fabulous, they make me feel great, and they are so good for your body too.  Not all fats are created equally though.  I keep trans-fats away from my diet and stick to natural forms that come from plants and animals, not from a lab.  And that includes saturated fats and cholesterol for sure.  And in case you wondered, no they are not bad for you like it has been said in the past.

Here are 10 fat filled foods that I love and keep as staples in my diet.

coconut oil

use for cooking/baking + stir into warm oatmeal

try this recipe for peanut butter coconut no bake oat bars


organic unsalted butter

use for cooking/baking and spreading on yummy bread

try this recipe for whole wheat cheddar crackers


extra virgin olive oil

use for cooking/baking

try this recipe for sweet and salty olive oil granola



use for snacks, add to salads, use in cooking/baking, top warm breakfast bowls

try this recipe for almond, date and coconut energy balls


hemp seed

sprinkle on salads, add to baked goods, stir into oatmeal


chia seed

sprinkle over oatmeal, add to smoothies, use to thicken dishes, use with overnight oatmeal

try this recipe for blueberry chia seed baked oatmeal


nut butters

slather on bread, stir into oatmeal, make a savory sauce/dressing

try this recipe for 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies



eat as is, put on toast, make guacamole, put on basically anything and everything

try this recipe for chocolate avocado pudding


fatty fish

go for salmon, tuna, trout, herring, sardines and mackerel

try this recipe for savory tuna and cheddar quinoa patties


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whole eggs

scramble, make into an omelet, poach, fry, cook into your oatmeal, add to cooking/baking

try this recipe for cheddar broccoli egg muffins


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BONUS: olives

I am not really a fan of olives, but my kids love them and it’s easy for their little fingers to grab

What are some of YOUR favorite fats?  Do you make an effort to include fats in your diet?  How do they make you feel?


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GiGi Eats February 11, 2015 - 9:10 pm

Fatty fish with olives 🙂 Those are my two very favorite from the list. Of course I love coconut and olive oils too 🙂

how to increase calories in a healthy way - Fit Mama Real Food August 28, 2018 - 6:32 am

[…] [check out 10 of my favorite fats!] […]


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