Home | creamy millet porridge

creamy millet porridge

by Heather

We are officially out of oatmeal in the house.  Oh, the horror!  It may not seem like a big deal, but I’ve been on a creamy custard oatmeal kick these days (cinnamon roll custard oats, anyone?).  And I’m refusing to make a stop at the store for just oatmeal since I just forgot to write it on the list.  I can last until Friday.

But since I’m forcing myself to wait, what am I going to eat instead of my beloved oatmeal?  How about with some millet instead?


I’ve had a mason jar full of millet sitting out for a while.  Millet isn’t something we eat very often, so when it’s in the house it tends to hang out for a while before it gets used.  Now I have a use for any extra left around – with the Mornflake creamy millet porridge.

To make this breakfast you do have to cook your millet first, then you cook it again in the milk mixture.  It definitely takes longer initially than 5 minute oatmeal, but I made a big batch of millet so that the next few mornings it was super fast to throw together.  Also, I added in an egg (like I do with my custard oats).  I need something to hold me over and a plain bowl of millet (or even oatmeal) never does the trick.


Creamy Millet Porridge

Serves 2


  • 1.5 cups cooked millet **
  • 1-1.5 cups milk (I used whole milk – coconut would be yummy in here too)
  • 1/4 cup chopped dried apricot (or any dried fruit)
  • 2 tbsp hemp seed
  • 1.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 egg


  1. In a small pot over medium heat, combine all ingredients except the egg.  Bring to a very low simmer and allow the liquid to absorb into the millet.  This will make it creamy.
  2. Once the millet is to your desired creamy texture, whisk in the egg.  Cook and continue to whisk until creamy and the egg is cooked (usually 2-3 minutes on a low simmer).   Add more milk if needed.
  3. Top with your favorite porridge toppings: peanut butter and banana is always a favorite here!

** How to cook millet: I cooked it on the stove top with a ratio of 1 cup millet to 3 cups of water.  After 20-25 minute of simmering, with minimal stirring, it fluffed up similarly to couscous.  I hear you can also cook it in the rice cooker with great success.

You might be asking yourself, how does millet compare to oatmeal?  Well, it’s just your lucky day, here’s a handy dandy chart I made to compare the two.

Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 7.07.06 AM

Data from both here and here.

And for the taste.  Millet porridge has a bit more chew than oatmeal (I used rolled oats).  I haven’t had steel cut oats in a while, but if memory serves me correctly, it’s similar in texture to that.  What did Hunter think?  He loved it!  Gobbled up every last bite.

Do you have a favorite oatmeal alternative?  Quinoa is another great gluten free one try if you haven’t yet.


PS: I wanted to thank you all for your sweet comments last week on my food funk.  I don’t have a plan yet – I think I just need to wait for the inspiration to come.  It may be slow to get here, but I feel like I’m heading back in the right direction.

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Erica September 12, 2013 - 9:03 am

YUM! Your pictures are so beautiful. Makes me want to try millet. I usually eat oatmeal…or some combination or oatmeal with other grains

Beeb September 13, 2013 - 12:16 pm

Awesome idea for the bag of millet I have in my pantry! I swear my mom made something similar to this when I was a kid.

Fit Mama September 14, 2013 - 9:54 pm

What a good mama you had!

Beeb September 17, 2013 - 6:11 pm

I sure did. 🙂

Filomena January 20, 2014 - 5:17 am

I tried the millet porridge for the first time, I would use less millet and more water to cook and then also more milk because it still remained quite crunchy, I added dried cranberries and slivered almonds, with brown sugar as I would to oatmeal. I will keep trying for the right combination.

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