Home | DIY t-rex costume

DIY t-rex costume

by Heather

Hello and happy November!  Last night we took the kids trick of treating with some friends and had a blast.  I hope you did too!

Today I’m here to share Hunter’s costume with you – a DIY T-Rex costume!


In the past, Halloween really wasn’t a day I was super into.  However, after having kids and getting the joy of making their costumes + watching their excitement for trick or treating has changed how I looked at the holiday.  I love how kids make everything more fun!

This year I made two costumes: a green dinosaur t-rex and an orange butterfly.  The kids picked out what they wanted to be and I ran with it.  It was invigorating letting my creative side come out again and actually sewing after a solid 8 month hiatus (hello third baby!).  I’m so happy with how their costumes came together.  Today I’m going to share Hunter’s t-rex costume and all the parts to it.  The next post with be my adorable butterfly girl Zoe!



There were three parts that helped to create Hunter’s costume: the t-rex paper mache mask, the dinosaur tail and green clothing.

T-Rex paper mache mask

I found a tutorial for this diy paper mache dinosaur mask and knew I had to make it.  I hadn’t paper mache’d in probably close to 20 years, and it was such fun!  I’m seriously thinking about all the things I want to paper mache now.

The mask starts with a construction hat, it is then shaped with cardboard pieces, balloons for the eyes and lots of tape to add more shape.  After that the paper mache is added and to finish it paint is applied.  All in all it probably took me 5-6 hours, but since it was spread out over a week the project didn’t seem challenging or overwhelming at all.

Dinosaur tail

Hunter’s green dinosaur tail with black spikes came straight from this tutorial on running with scissors.  The construction is really simple and the function is fantastic!  The tail has gotten a ton of use and I have more tails I plan to make just for play around the house.

Green clothing

Finding green clothing was the most simple part of the costume.  You can use whatever solid green clothes you have around, or buy solid green PJs which you can then you after Halloween is over too.  Our green top and bottoms didn’t match the mask and tail, but it still worked out great. 🙂


How was your Halloween?  What was your favorite or most creative costume that you saw?


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Lucy November 1, 2016 - 7:58 am

Love this—you did such I good job! (I did the original TRex mask you referred to, love seeing it put to use!)

Heather November 9, 2016 - 7:51 pm

Lucy! Thanks for the amazing tutorial. We’ve been loving the t-rex mask! Your site is so, so inspiring!

DIY orange butterfly costume - Fit Mama Real Food November 10, 2016 - 6:52 am

[…] week I shared Hunter’s DIY green T-Rex costume, and this week it is all about Zoe’s DIY orange butterfly costume!  I am completely in love […]

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