Home | Hiking in a Miner’s Footsteps

Hiking in a Miner’s Footsteps

by Heather Englund

I rode my bike into work 2 days this week.  The first day was great, the seconds day started out perfect but didn’t end how I would have liked… more on that tomorrow.  No worries thought, I am 100 % a-okay… the bike on the other hand…     

Now a new hike from my aunt Arlene who’s sharing another Northwest beauty with us.  Check out the hikes page to see everywhere she has gone.  The list just keeps growing!     

Hike: Copper Creek (WA)
By Arlene

We had a great appreciation for the hard work of the early prospectors on the Olympic Peninsula as we followed an old miner’s trail up to a saddle on Lightning Peak above Lake Cushman.     

The first mile gained 1250’ of elevation as it seemed to climb straight up the Copper Creek ravine. We stayed close to the creek for most of the climb, which gave me the opportunity to stop and pull out my camera when I really needed to catch my breath and give my legs a rest. At some point, I realized that perhaps the best sights of the day were the enormous old growth trees still standing on these steep slopes. I made my sister stand next to the trees to give perspective on their size.     


Find Waldo in the Old Growth


 The second mile was easier but still steep (gaining 900’ more of elevation). We took a short side trip to the cool banks of the Copper Creek and the site of the old Apex mine and cabin.     


Copper Creek


 We then headed up to a very pleasant ridge walk which gave us the biggest view of the day.     

View from Lightning Peak saddle 

The hike was a total of about 6 ½ miles because we had to walk in on the causeway over the North Fork of the Skokomish which was closed to car traffic a couple years ago. I didn’t complain, however. The .75 miles was totally flat and was a gift to my tired knees on the return to the car.   

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Allie July 8, 2011 - 5:46 am

Aww good job on biking 2 days to work.. even if they didn’t go as planned 😉

Sarah July 8, 2011 - 6:58 am

Oh my gosh this hike looks gorgeous!! Ever since coming to college I’ve been obsessed with nature trails and hikes. This seriously looks amazing. I love all of the green!

Elaine July 9, 2011 - 7:25 am

That was beautiful.


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