If there was ever a month for lots of change, this sure is the month. I’ve been told that from 6-9 months babies go through tremendous amounts of developmental change.
I can confirm that.
New this month:
Hunter is crawling!
Hunter is climbing!
Hunter is pulling up to standing!
Hunter has a top tooth beginning to pierce through!
Hunter is all over the place!
Pretty much the instant he started to crawl, he became more independent. And now gets into everything.
When he hit 8 months, our world changed. Even more for the better if that’s possible. He’s so much fun and just loves to play. Especially with his daddy when he gets home from work. His laughs and giggles are the best.
Like I said, he’s pulling up to standing. Whenever I go get him from his crib, he’s peeping over the top rail. Too cute. All the pulling up and standing also means more falls and bonks on the head. Luckily, the crying is always quick to go away.
We had a few days of fussiness after he got a flu shot last week. That was also the week we found a tooth beginning to come through on the top, so I’m not sure if it was really the shot. You can’t see the tooth, but you can definitely feel the sharp point. He didn’t want to eat much solids during then, just nurse more, which makes me think it was all the tooth.
Baby led weaning is still going well! He looooooooves feeding himself. Although he’s super messy. I hear some kids don’t like to be messy. He is not one of those kids. He still nurses 6 times a day. We haven’t really cut down the number, but I can tell he’s not nursing as much as he used to since he’s eating more solids. We’ll see when they cut down. I’ll just roll with it until then.
He figured out how to eat out of a Sprout pouch without making a huge mess. He just sucked all the sweet potato and white bean out like it was his job. That is his job, right?
Although food is going well, sleep sure is not. Maybe it’s teething, but nighttime has been rough. We’ve had a couple nights this week where I’ve been up with him every hour. I nurse him once or twice during the night if he’s having a tough time getting back to sleep, but most of the time I can just cuddle and rock him back to sleep. I’m hoping this passes. I miss my sleep, but also I’m sure he’s tired. I can tell he’s a bit more fussy throughout the day from poor sleep.
He’s also beginning to fight naps. I’d be so happy if he put himself to sleep, but now that he doesn’t want to nap and fights them, I have to rock him to sleep. I have nothing against crying it out, I’m just really bad at it. I always cave in. It hurts my heart to have him cry with no progress to him falling asleep on his own. I probably don’t stick it out long enough….
At the end of the month he’ll be going in for his 9 months check up. I’m so excited to see how much he’s grown. He feels much heavier, and if I had to guess, over 20 pounds. We will see though!
Happy 8 months Hunter boy. 🙂
Yayyyy for standing!! Teeth stink! Hope the sleep gets better soon-never fun to be a mombie
Oh man, he’s a handsome dude! I love the picture of him looking quizzically at the Sprout pouch. Too cute!
Haha he’s probably thinking, this doesn’t look like food, but sure tastes like it!
Lots going on this month. Sounds like the 8/9 month sleep regression which from what I have read is similar to the 4 month one. Stay strong mama, this too shall pass!
hmmm I’ll have to read about that one!
Troublesometots has some great info on it
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
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