Home | let’s start a smiling epidemic

let’s start a smiling epidemic

by Heather Englund

The road to health doesn’t just show up when you take your focus to one area, like what you eat, how you move, or your sleep and how much of it you get.  They are all important, SO important!  But there is another area I like to focus on too, which is equally important.  It is the happiness factor.

IMG_4142I love smiling.  I love smiling at my children.  I love smiling when I’m teaching fitness classes.  I love smiling as I go around shopping and interacting with people around me.  Smiling brings me happiness.

Smiles are contagious, and chances are if you smile at someone, they will smile back at you.  Smiles bring out happiness within you and toward others!


I smile with confidence because I care for my teeth daily.  I brush and floss regularly and eat a nourishing real food diet that not only cares for my body, but my teeth as well.  I know how important oral health is for long-term health.  Strengthening and repairing your weakened enamel from everyday wear and tear can be part of your daily personal healthy lifestyle routine with new Colgate® Enamel Health Mineral Repair Toothpaste.

Just like we eat healthy foods for vitamins and minerals, Colgate Enamel Health Mineral Repair helps absorb essential minerals, such as natural calcium, for stronger, healthy enamel.


To read more about Colgate Enamel Health Mineral Repair Toothpaste check out their website here.



I have a challenge for you.  Go find somebody right now, and genuinely smile at them.  See what happens.  Did they smile back?  Did you feel a wee bit happier sharing your smile with them?

My hope is that we start a smiling epidemic.  I want to see that domino effect of smiles.  I know I see it when I smile at my kids, or when they smile at me.  I can’t help but feel happier and better no matter what my mood is like when one of my kids gives me a happy grin.

Smiles brighten up days.  They bring people together.  Brighten up your day and those around you with your happy, healthy smile.  Share your smiling story on social media with me and use the hashtag #ColgateEnamelHealth for others to read about it too!

Did you look up and find someone to smile at?  Tell me what happened!


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


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1 comment

Beth June 26, 2016 - 8:03 pm

I thought this was such a cute post idea until I saw the sponsored ad. Ugh. Please don’t sell out like every other blog poster!


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