This morning I woke up to something very unexpected…. SNOW! This weather has been so odd. We finally get some snow and it’s almost the end of March. We got a touch of snow in early winter, but nothing since then. Very odd.
It’s Thursday, so I’m about to walk Joe after I bundle up. Him prancing around in the snow is going to be cute.
Do you remember the first hike Arlene shared in Arizona? Well she’s back with another! You may remember Arlene and Arneta’s goal of hiking in all 50 states. Just like last time, they’d love your recommendations of places to hike in your state. To see where they’ve already been check out the hikes page.
Now while I go stomp in the snow, enjoy this sunny post!
Pass Mountain via Wind Cave Trail (AZ)
By Arlene
Excited by the success of our first Arizona hiking experience, we put on our dusty hiking boots the next morning and went back to the desert, this time going to the Usery Mountain Regional Park and joining many local Phoenicians on a trip up the slopes of Pass Mountain to the Wind Cave and beyond. The classic hike is 3.2 miles round trip (with about 800 feet elevation gain). We added another .2 miles and 200 feet to get a little more view and a chance to climb over more rocks.
The first mile was a gentle stroll through a garden of prickly plants. The colors and textures of the vegetation surprised us. We saw buckhorn cholla, saguaro cactus, compass barrel cactus (both the red and yellow varieties), hedgehog cactus, Teddy Bear Cholla, and many more.
All the work of the hike took place in the second half as we climbed up the slopes of the mountain, gaining elevation and views of the urban valley below us.
The combination of the chartreuse lichen on the reddish volcanic tuff made an awesome view as we ascended.
Hiking in Arizona has exceeded expectations. We were a bit disappointed to miss the blooming cactus show, but it gives us an excuse to come back, soak up a bit of sunshine, work on our balance scrambling on rocks, and explore more of the not-so-barren deserts.
Thanks Arlene!
What’s the weather like for you this morning? Crazy like mine? Please share your favorite hike!
Here in Northern California it’s been cold and rainy. Than we hit some mid 60’s low 70’s for a whole two days and now rain and 50’s this weekend. I’m so sick of the rain and cold!!
WOW that looks like a gorgeous place to hike.
let me tell you, we were pretty excited about the snow yesterday morning!!! Packed perfectly and we made an awesome little snowman. But now that that’s over I’m ready for spring 🙂
The snow was so pretty!
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