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We finally got a snow storm! The last time we got some snow here in Vancouver to talk about was the first winter Jacob and I were married, back in 2008. These past couple days have been a nice change of pace being hunkered down in the house, heaters blasting with no plans of anywhere to go. My 2 Friday classes were canceled and Jacob was home from work. Long weekend FTW!
10 days. That’s how far I am from my due date. It recently dawned on me that at any moment I can go into labor. This whole time I never thought she would be early, but it’s such a possibility, which is why I’ve finally sprung into action. {side not: I honestly still think she’ll be late and I’m thankful nothing has happened while the roads are in sub-par conditions}
Here’s what I’ve been doing to get ready for baby girl.
- Hospital bag packed – just need to make a list of last minute items to grab
- Quick hot wash and dry of our newborn cloth diapers – we aren’t bringing any to the hospital, but they’ll be ready when we get home
- Hunter’s breakfasts made easy for Jacob – I made a big batch of this pancake mix and also wrote out a list of easy Hunter breakfasts so that Jacob doesn’t have to think about things to make Hunter in the morning – I’m thinking I’ll probably want to sleep in a bit if I’ve been up all night with a newborn, which means Jacob’s picking up more Hunter duties
- Keeping up with the laundry – actually folding and putting it away right when it’s done – something I never do but I realized the last thing I want to do is come home to a mess of laundry. I’ve also been smaller loads more often so that it doesn’t pile up. Another round of laundry to do today!
- Keeping the house more picked up – that means not letting clothes pile up in our bedroom and making sure hunter’s toys aren’t left out overnight. Even keeping our bannister free from clothes! This is what it normally looks like….
…but right now it’s cleared! The key has been grabbing whatever ends up on the bannister when I head down to bed so that it’s clear in the morning.
- Not letting dishes pile up – again, don’t really want to come home to a sink full of dirty dishes with food crusted on them
- Sewing a lot – I know once she arrives I’ll have wwwaaayyyy less free time so I’ve been sewing up a storm lately. Here’s a look at a little bonnet I made yesterday. I’ll be sure to share all my other projects soon, which include LOTS of baby pants. 🙂
Our house is desperately low on coffee, so we may make a run to the store today. Luckily there’s a safeway walking distance from our house, so I’m thinking a snowy morning walk is in order.
Did you get surprise snow this week? What’s one item you NEED to have in your house? Coffee and milk (or cream) for me (they go together). Even though I’m pregnant, I still need my morning cup of coffee. It’s funny how the second time around I’m much more relaxed about things, and one being my coffee drinking. And getting the car seat installed… we still haven’t done that!
Come Monday I’ll be sharing this beauty. Easiest.bread.ever.
Have a great weekend guys!
10 days?! Wow! So exciting. I cannot wait to meet her! Sounds like you’re pretty much “ready” . We got surprise ice a couple weeks ago..I hope that doesn’t happen again any time soon 🙂