Home | how to build a balanced lunch box – fit mama real food radio #68

how to build a balanced lunch box – fit mama real food radio #68

by Heather

Packing lunch boxes every day can be stressful!  You worry that your kids won’t eat the food you pack, that they won’t like it and that it may get wasted.  Today on the podcast the topic of how to build a balanced lunch box is what we’ve diving into!

How to build a balanced lunch box with Gillian Fein | Fit Mama Real Food Radio #68

I’m a solid 7 month into 5x a week lunch box making and 90% of the time still find it super fun to create fun, balances lunchboxes for Hunter. And I’d say 90% of the time he thinks they’re winner lunches too.

Except for one week.

One week I just did not hit home runs on the lunch box front and he came back home on Friday I got the announcement that my lunches are boring! I asked Hunter why and he said, “just the flavors”. HA!

How to build a balanced lunch box | Fit Mama Real Food Radio #68

How to build a balanced lunch box | Fit Mama Real Food Radio #68

From that conversation I asked if he wanted to make a list of exciting lunches so that he’s happy and looks forward to eating. Of course, I got a big YES to that.  We made a list (you can find that here) that now lives on my fridge for inspiration when I’m needing it, but think about this….

What if I wasn’t the one that need to create those interesting lunches?  What if he was in charge of building what goes into each school lunch?

Well, that is just one of the things Gillian of La La Lunchbox and I chatted about in this week’s podcast episode!  Guys, she created a super neat app – the La La Lunchbox app that allows your kid to choose what they want for lunch!  There are parameters that you can set, but it gives kiddos the reigns.  We talk more about it in the episode, but I think it is such a cool thing!

How to build a balanced lunch box with Gillian Fein

How to build a balanced lunch box with Gillian Fein

In episode 68 of Fit Mama Real Food Radio Gillian Fein of La La Lunchbox joins me to talk about how to build a balanced lunch box with her lunchbox building system.  We chat about favorite lunchboxes, teaching kids about balanced meals, getting creative with cooking and wasting less food.  You will be left ready to give your kids the power of choice after this episode, which is such a good feeling for them and you.  Enjoy the show!

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