Home | Time To Catch Up and Mount Townsend

Time To Catch Up and Mount Townsend

by Heather

Today I’m catching up.  That’s what Wednesdays are for right? 

I realized I haven’t talked too much about my own fitness here lately, so I thought I’d outline what I’ve done this week and what will happen the remaining days this week.

Week in Fitness

  • Sunday: ran 1.5 miles to a workout downtown, completed the 60 minute bootcamp then ran 1.5 miles back home
  • Monday: 20 minute yoga download + week 2 day 3 of sit ups, walked 30 minutes at work (split in morning and afternoon break)
  • Tuesday: biked into work and home (5.75 miles each way), walked 1 hour at work (split in morning, lunch and afternoon break)
  • Wednesday: Will go to pump it this morning, 30 minutes of walking at work and 3 mile run with the running club tonight + sit ups
  • Thursday: will do another 20 minute yoga download + 30-60 minutes of walking
  • Friday/Saturday: Hood To Coast!  I’ll run 3 times – once around 7pm, 5:30am and 2:30pm and around 6 miles each
  • Sunday – recover

How’s your week in fitness going?  Tell me your plans!

If you’re catching up this week here’s what’s going on…

I’m off to scidadle my butt to pump it… here’s Arlene with another hike in Washington.  Enjoy!

Hike: Mount Townsend (WA)
By Arlene

I have come to appreciate my fellow hikers more as the years pass. I know there are many who carefully calculate the speed at which they get to a known summit or those that are keeping a lifelong tally of their summits. I also appreciate hiking as a form of exercise and accomplishment Today’s hike reminded me, however, there are lots of other reasons to drag oneself out of bed and onto a hiking trail than just for physical and bragging benefits. .

This weekend we chose Mount Townsend as our destination. For me, this was a return to a hike I had done over twenty years ago which held very fond memories. For my brother-in-law, this was a chance to get some training before a backpack trip with friends. For my sister, this was a chance to stop me from continuing to whine about “someday returning to Mount Townsend.”

The road to Mount Townsend trailhead is long but well maintained; this is also an apt description of the trail. It is 4.1 miles to the top (about 3000’elevation gain), but the uphill ascent is on one of the widest, softest, and gradual ways to attain 3000’ of elevation. There are 26 switchbacks (my sister counted as we climbed) making the going easier than the trail stats would seem.


The near-perfect trail to Mount Townsend

The majority of the switchbacks take you through open hillsides, awash in blooming wildflowers. Each switchback seemed to have a different color theme; one might be predominantly purple/blue with lupine and penstemon, and the next would be a riot of orange (tiger lilies) and red (Indian paintbrush). Others were a true rainbow of bright color, and all the flowers seemed to be just at their peak for our viewing.


On the Mount Townsend wildflower pathway

After about 3 miles and many switchbacks of wildflowers, I knew I could quit the hike and be satisfied. However, we continued on to the summit and were rewarded with spectacular views. From the trail you can look south to Mount Rainier poking through the clouds above the Olympic Mountain foreground.


Mount Rainier in the clouds

From the top of Mount Townsend, we had an incredible view back into the Olympic peaks as well as north to Dungeness Spit and east to Mount Baker..


Mount Baker in the clouds

We shared the trail and views today with many people (which was a bit startling after a rainy and solitary hiking season this winter and spring). What I realized, however, was that hiking is truly a way to “get” and stay healthy (a theme of Get Healthy with Heather.). We encountered young ones on their first big hike (even babies in backpacks), teenagers and young adults patiently waiting for their parents to catch their breath after the steep slopes, and the most inspiring – one couple who were 70+ year olds making their way slowly and deliberately up these slopes to once again see the wildflower display and sit on top of the world looking at the view. This is a truly a goal for all us; stay healthy and keep hiking!

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Lauren @ What Lauren Likes August 24, 2011 - 5:37 am

Wow! what great pics! This looks like a beautiful place to hike, I love the wildflowers 🙂

Erica August 24, 2011 - 8:45 am

Great plan! Can’t wait to read about the race this weekend

Get Healthy with Heather August 24, 2011 - 9:32 pm

I’m so excited for it! I’ll definitely share and take photos too. Just got my shirts tonight 🙂

Jessica @ Sushi and Sit-Ups August 24, 2011 - 9:56 am

I love having workout plans! Good luck with the rest of your week!

Get Healthy with Heather August 24, 2011 - 9:30 pm

Thanks Jessica 🙂

Trainer Kjirsten @ Balanced Healthy Life August 24, 2011 - 9:57 am

Such a pretty hiking trail! We have tons of greats trials where we live but I refuse to hike them in summer when all the snakes (rattles) and other creepy animals are out! Your workouts rocked for the week! Nice job!

Get Healthy with Heather August 24, 2011 - 9:30 pm

Ekkkk I would stay away from those snakes too!

thehealthyapron August 24, 2011 - 10:14 am

Just look at those breathtaking views! Incredible!

Isabelle August 24, 2011 - 3:23 pm

I really like the variety in your workouts!

Get Healthy with Heather August 24, 2011 - 9:24 pm

Variety is key for me!

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