Home | toddler activities: leaf week

toddler activities: leaf week

by Heather

I’ve officially switched from calling Hunter a baby to a toddler.  He’s 16 months, and in my mind I always thought I’d make the switch around 2 years, but he’s definitely not a baby any more.  Sniff sniff.  He’s understanding more and more each day, which has been a blast.  It gives us more opportunities to try different activities out and to learn more!

Are you ready for some fun activities to do with your toddler?  Here’s what we did during leaf week!



I found a bunch of different leaf coloring pages here and printed them for Hunter to color in.  They didn’t print the size I wanted so I had to do a screen shot of each, then put it in word to adjust the size.  Once I figured that out, it wasn’t a big deal.

I picked up big crayons at the dollar store (would not recommend – they are cheap and break easily) and Hunter got to coloring.

IMG_8397 IMG_8393

We did this a few days throughout the week after we woke from his afternoon nap.  It’s was a nice quite activity, and he just sat at the table coloring.  I did have to tape the page to the table or else it wouldn’t stay in place.

Some nice scribbles. 🙂


Leaf hunt

We picked leaves together for another project, which I’ll share next.  I also grabbed some extras since I knew we’d need more for the project.

We still have mostly green leaves around our house, but we tried to find some yellow and red, then we talked about colors.  There was LOTS of colors talk, especially during coloring.


Leaf crown

I thought of this all by myself and was pretty proud of it, although it worked out much better in my head then how it really went down, but it was a really fun activity with a cute result.


Materials you’ll need:

  • Long strip of paper to go around your child’s head – if it’s too short just cut a small piece (my orange one above) to connect the ends together
  • scissors
  • glue
  • tape
  • leaves


To make the lead crown I gave Hunter the bowl of leaves, then I’d put a dot of glue on the paper and have him place the leaf on it.  He did really well putting them on and pressing them down.  Sometimes he’d decide to take a bunch off and we’d start over again.  It was definitely a ‘mom must be there to supervise’ craft.  Since the leaves were not very dry they did have a hard time sticking so I had to press them on a lot too.

After letting it dry over night I taped the ends together (along with the orange small piece to lengthen it).

How cute is that?  It lasted on his head about 2 seconds… I think it was a bit scratchy.


Planned, but didn’t do

Drawing a stick tree on a piece of paper, then picking out some leaves from outside and gluing them onto the tree together.

Taking a big bucket (for me) and little bucket (for Hunter) to the park and picking up leaves… then I’d dump all of my leaves over him and surely get a giggle. 🙂 – we kept having rain so we never made it out

What fun fall leaf activities have you done with your kiddo? 

I think theme weeks are fun.  We’ve been coloring a lot and tried out water coloring over the weekend, but I feel like I’m going to plan another theme week soon!


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Erica October 7, 2013 - 9:59 am

That is soooo fun! I need to do something like this with KAY!

Fit Mama October 7, 2013 - 10:22 pm

Do it girl!

Chloe October 7, 2013 - 3:03 pm

Just a tip…break all of your crayons in half! Having a small crayon/marker/etc helps kids have better control coloring and helps kids from a good grip. Imagine always having to use a foot long pencil in your size hand 🙂

Fit Mama October 7, 2013 - 10:21 pm

Great tip! Most of them broke in half anyway, so it’s like I just knew it already. 😉

Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome October 7, 2013 - 4:02 pm

Cute! I was just telling a friend we need to go leaf collecting to make leaf wreaths! love the leaf crown! Might have to borrow that idea 🙂

Fit Mama October 7, 2013 - 10:22 pm

A leaf wreath will be so cute!

Lindsey@Kindred Spirit Mommy October 12, 2013 - 3:49 pm

Haha, that is so cute! 🙂

toddler activities: fingerprint christmas tree name tags | Fit Mama Real Food December 11, 2013 - 3:10 pm

[…] Looking for more toddler activities?  Check out our leaf week crafts! […]

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