Home | 1 month count down to baby #3

1 month count down to baby #3

by Heather

I cannot believe I am due exactly a month from today!  Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went in a flash, which also made those couple months of pregnancy fly by even faster than I had expected.  I had mentally made a date of Feb 1st as the ‘start to get things ready for baby to arrive date’, but for the past 2 weeks I’ve been hit with a major nesting mode.  I want to clean and organize everything, and I’ve been doing just that!


My office/sewing room was the biggest disaster ever.  It needed items to find homes in other parts of the house where they made more sense, and also some more organization to actual office and sewing items that were just left laying around.  I also removed the curtains from the 3 large windows.  They were never by style and blocked the natural light more than I’d like. Plus there are blinds in there as well so it wasn’t a necessary thing to have right now.  The room was becoming my catch all place and now it feels so much more open, light and it’s nice to be in there!

Three more spots that I tackled were the laundry room,  Zoe’s closet and the pantry.  The laundry room was another spot that clutter seemed to build up quickly in, so it also got some reorganization done to it.  Zoe’s closet still had 3 big boxes of clothes and blankets that I hadn’t uppacked yet, so I went through those and washed all the blankets for when this baby arrives.  Lastly, I reorganized the pantry.  Now I have more space in there, and everything is categorized together and looks so much better.

And if that want enough, I did some things very unlike me.  This week I cleaned 2 of the bathrooms, scrubbed our shower, vacuumed the main floor and top floor plus swept and mopped the main floor.  Organization I can get behind, but normally I’m just not big into actual cleaning, so I’ll take it when inspiration hits!

I am itching to get into the boxes of baby clothes to sort through and wash up some newborn clothes.  Unfortunately they are hiding somewhere in the garage so it’ll be a project for the hubs and I to tackle together hopefully this weekend.


I am slowly starting some freezer meal prep. I made 3 crustless quiches that went unbaked into the freezer.  Two of them are sausage, cheese and green chilies, and the other is sausage, cheese and mushroom.  They’ll be nice to pull out of the freezer the night before to defrost, bake up in the morning and pair with fresh fruit.  I also made a triple batch of coconut pecan bars (recipe here).  They are cut up and individually wrapped just waiting to be eaten.  It will be hard to resist them, they are so good!  Last weekend I made a double batch of pumpkin ricotta gnocchi (recipe here).  The single recipe actually makes enough for 2 meals, so I used one portion, then have 3 more meals of homemade gnocchi ready in the freezer.  The gnocchi + bratwurst + spinach is a dynamite combo.


Daily the kids and I talk about the new baby coming and I am getting more and more excited for this little one to arrive.  When we just had Hunter, it was hard to imagine loving another child that much, but then it happened so naturally. Now that we have both Hunter and Zoe, I cannot wait for my heart to expand even more for the love I know I’ll have for this baby.  I cannot wait to see Hunter take on the role of big brother again, but at 3.5 years old this time.  Zoe is going to be a little mama I’m sure.  She cannot get enough when it comes to babies and I see her wanting to spend all her time loving on this little one.  It is going to be such an amazing adventure as a family of five.  So so soon!

Do you have any favorite freezer friendly recipes?  Please share the links!


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Lori Homer January 30, 2016 - 11:21 pm

Inspirational beauty !

Fit Mama February 1, 2016 - 4:52 am

Heart you Lori!

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