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It’s almost the weekend! My Friday started with a bootcamp and body pump class, a quick grocery store trip, then I took Hunter to gymnastics. We had a different teacher today and she had such great energy and kept my crazy kiddo in line (well, most of the time). Such fun!
I’m off to run with some friends in a bit but first I wanted to share about documentaries focused on healthy living. Yesterday while folding laundry (my most dreaded task) I watched Food Matters on Netflix. I then proceeded to tell a client of mine that evening about it since she had never heard of it. She had never heard of Food Inc (one I usually assume people have either heard of or watched) or really knew that there were documentaries focused on food and healthy living. I’ve watched a few on Netflix and there are many others on my to-watch list. The information I hear about in them isn’t necessarily new to me now (although a few years ago it was!), but I use it more as a refocus for healthy eating. Food Matters had a big focus on eating whole, real foods. I love that. You don’t have to agree with every single opinion to take something good out of them.
If you are looking to inspire or re-inspire your healthy lifestyle, check out some of these interesting documentaries. Or maybe someone you know wants to revamp their food habits or just thoughts on where their food comes from – share these with them! They are all linked to Netflix along with the info from Netflix (because that’s what we have at our house), but without checking I’m sure there are other places you could watch them if you don’t have Netflix. I will say, I find a lot of them to be focused on eating plant based diets, which is great. But take what you want from each – I clearly do not eat a plant based diet but I would say I eat a healthy and varied real food diet, which is what I personally want and strive for. Enjoy!
Healthy living documentaries I have watched:
Director Robert Kenner’s provocative, Oscar-nominated documentary looks at the food industry’s harmful effects on human health and the environment.
According to the research of two food scientists, the popularity of processed foods has led to epidemic rates of obesity, diabetes and other diseases.
This documentary exposes shocking secrets the diet, weight loss and food industries use to keep consumers coming back for more. If you want to learn more on weight loss, check here for the Phenq Review.
Two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, document their rigorous healing path in a bid to regain their health.
**This last one here I actually didn’t finish – yet!**
Healthy living documentaries on my to-watch list:
Forks over Knives: The Extended Interview
This companion to the acclaimed documentary about veganism includes additional footage of expert interviews, covering several themes in greater depth.
Forks over Knives Presents: The Engine 2 Rescue Kitchen
Join Rip Esselstyn, author of The Engine 2 Diet, as he guides the White and Wally families and teaches them how to take control of their health.
This documentary follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks in an effort to get healthier.
This provocative documentary tells the story of farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities but were forced to stop.
This documentary follows one father’s search for answers to the question “What are we feeding our families?” and examines the risks of GMOs.
TEDTalks: Chew on this (not a documentary, but a series)
Take a seat at the TED table with master bakers, food scientists, chefs, farmers and foodies for a taste of truth about food.
Do you watch documentaries? Do you have a favorite in this list or one you want to add?
Nice list Heather! Definitely finish watching the juicing one (FS&ND). I’m like you, I don’t come away with these agreeing with everything they promote, and I don’t have any juice fasting plans. But it’s a good reminder of how nutrient deficient the standard diet is. After seeing it a while ago I started following a few podcasts – If you haven’t checked these out, Fat Burning Man and Body IO have been especially informative for my own health goals. I just started exploring your blog, really enjoying it so far!