Home | 8 Minute Mommy + Baby Yoga Workout Video

8 Minute Mommy + Baby Yoga Workout Video

by Heather

Have I ever shared a ‘behind the scenes’ around my workout video filming?  I film at my house, in my dining area. I move the table, bench and chairs next to my kitchen, and our couch way off to the side.  It’s really the only place I could find in our house with good lighting + not much going on around it.  

Behind the scenes of filming a yoga workout video

It’s pretty funny seeing all that goes into filming!  Because it is such an endeavor moving all the things, I do my best to record a few videos at one sitting.  I am all about batch work to save my time!

Thursday afternoons during nap time is when I try and record.  I shoot for most weeks, but it definitely doesn’t always happen.

When I plan to record that day, I get the space ready, my camera battery all charged up and once Holland and Nova are down for naps, I hit record and GO!

One particular afternoon after I got everything all ready, girlies down for a nap and I was one video in, Holland decided to wake.  Instead of cleaning all the things up, I took it as an opportunity to record WITH her!

It is very real life working out with a mobile baby.  For all you mamas out there with little ones, this workout is for you!  Maybe your kiddo will be climbing all over you like Holland was, and that’s cool! 

If you enjoy these mommy + baby workouts, please let me know! I am sure I’ll have another afternoon where she wakes early and wants to be the star in my video again. 😉

8 Minute Mommy + Baby Yoga Workout Video

8 Minute Mommy + Baby Yoga Workout Video

Grab your mat and grab your baby, because today I’ve got a quick 8 minute mommy + baby yoga workout for you!  As a mom of 4, I know what it’s like to take a moment to yourself for a workout, only to have your kiddo climbing all over you when you decide to do something for yourself.  Today, you can let them climb all over you and join your workout!  This workout is under 10 minutes, will strengthen your core and leave you feeling amazing!  Plus, it’s fun with a sweet kiddo as your workout buddy.  If you enjoy these mommy + baby workouts and want more, please let me know in the comments below!

Follow along in the video below or via the link HERE!

Don’t miss a new workout every week – SUBSCRIBE to Fit Mama Real Food’s Yoga & Strength over on YouTube!

If you give this workout a try, please let me know!



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