Home | a day in the life with a 2 month old

a day in the life with a 2 month old

by Heather Englund

7:45am My alarm goes off and I wake up to the animals.  They try to trick me into getting a second breakfast, but I’m not fooled.


Hunter’s still sleeping soundly, arms out of his swaddle.


Make coffee.


Mmmmm coffee.  Make breakfast: cocoa banana custard oats with hemp seed and peanut butter.  95% of the time I make some variation of custard oats.


8am I hear Hunter stir on the monitor for a few seconds, then it stops.

Jacob reminds me to put the garbage out and when I come back in he’s making more noise.

8:20am I head down and he’s awake. I change his wet diaper, which he then automatically starts pooping. Better in the diaper then when I’m changing him! We hang out there for 5 minutes while he gets it all out then I change him again.


8:35am Upstairs to feed him and I finish my coffee and oatmeal.

8:50am Done feeding to play time on couch.  So many smiles!


9:00am Diaper change and get dressed for the day

Swing time

9:15 He’s starting to get fussy. Time to swaddle and get ready for nap. He was sucking on my shoulder, so I gave him the pacifier, which I don’t really like to do for naps except when he’s in the swing. He always spits it out then wakes up, so after I got him in the crib all calmed, I hung around for a few minutes. Sure enough, he spit it out and woke up. I calmed him and got him back in the crib with lots and lots of ‘ssssshhhh sssssshhhhh’.

That whole nap ordeal took 20 minutes, which actually was longer than normal. I think he was up just a little bit too long which made him fussier than normal going down for his morning nap.

9:35am Heather time – I felt like being productive so I sorted through the freshly washed diapers, got the diaper bag ready for the day, change into workout clothes, made the bed, started a load in the dish washer and folded a basket of laundry.

10:30am Hunter woke up so we got ready to go and headed out to my parent’s house since grandma was going to watch him while I taught cycle. Normally she’ll come to my house but on Mondays she teaches a lace making class until noon, which meant Hunter got to hang out there.

11:05am He ate again. I don’t know why he was being so fussy eating on the right side today. He only lasted a couple minutes, then would cry until I put him on the left. I know my left side produces more milk. Maybe he gets frustrated since he knows he gets more on the other side?

11:30 Stopped trying to make him eat, changed his diaper and swaddled him right before I left.


12:15-1pm Taught cycle


1:30pm Back to my parents to find this cuteness.


I guess he fell asleep shortly after I left. I ate lunch then we headed home at 2pm. He was still napping which meant he got a good 2 hour nap in!

Whole wheat toast, egg, provolone and mango salsa.


Since he was still kinda sleeping when I got home and Jacob was back home from work (yay!), I hopped in the shower.


When I got out he was ready to eat again!

2:35pm Feed (finally he ate really well on both sides) + a diaper change.

Some play time with daddy.


We got ready to go. I ate a huge bowl of rice chex with blueberries and hemp seed doused in soymilk.


3:30pm Jacob, Hunter and I are out the door in the way to the YMCA to get Jacob signed up.  Since I teach there he gets a free membership.  Score!  Before going in, another diaper change was in order in a major way.  Done in the back seat like a pro.


After the Y we stopped at Ross. I got some new wine glasses, a couple t-shirts and Jacob got some clothes + a hat. I went in wanting shorts and found none. All the shorts they had were crazy short… not what I was looking for.


On the ride home Hunter was starting to get hungry so I kept having to put the pacifier in, he’d spit it out (not really the thing he wanted to be sucking on) and so it went most of the drive.

5:30pm We’re back home and time to feed Hunter again.

Diaper change and hang out time on couch. He does so good just being on his back on the couch chilling with us around.

Check out the pacifier hold!


Pinot Grigio for mama.


Dinner was super simple and fast.  BBQ roasted tofu and roasted veggies.  The veggies were already all prepped since I had tons of extra I prepped to take to a friend’s house on Saturday.


We watched a few episodes of Heroes while we relax, then around 6:45pm Hunter got swaddled, fell asleep on daddy and was moved to the swing.


8:45pm We decide it was time for bed, which happened to be when Hunter began to wake up. Perfect! I change him into a nighttime diaper (Bum Genius all-in-ones), fed him and put him to bed.

9:15pm I make Jacob’s food for the next day (I really need to start doing this in the day time) then get ready for bed.

9:30pm Sleep time.

2:30am Wake up to Hunter crying – I go in and feed him. First side, then re-swaddle (he got an arm out), back to the other side, but he refuses to eat on the right. Odd, normally he eats a ton at this feeding, so I put him back to bed.

Chug water, go to bathroom and back to bed by 2:50am.

5:00am We wakes me up crying again (I knew he wouldn’t make it past 3 hours only eating on one side). Feed (start on right this side), change diaper and re-swaddle, then feed on other side. Put him back to bed.

Chug water, bathroom and I’m back to bed by 5:25am.

Jacob’s alarm goes off a few times between 5:40-6am.

6:30am My alarm goes off. Normally I don’t set it but I want to make sure I get a shower in before Hunter wakes since we have his 2 month appointment that morning. I get up, make coffee for Jacob and I (a perk to getting up early – I get to see him for a few minutes before he heads out the door!) and start my breakfast of fresh blueberry custard oats with peanut butter.

Drink coffee and eat while I write about sprints kicking my butt.

Decide I want to shower at 7:15, since Hunter should sleep until around 8.

Right when I decide to head downstairs to shower, he starts making noise like he’s already awake, so I go in (he is awake), change his diaper, re-swaddle him in a soft, fuzzy blanket, bring him upstairs and put him in the swing with a pacifier and the Smashing Pumpkins lullaby music playing. He of course spits the pacifier out. He’ll either be crying or sleeping when I get out of the shower.

I shower, start a load of laundry and come back upstairs to Hunter not asleep, not full on crying, but just being fussy.

I pick him up, we hang out for a bit, he’s hungry and so our day begins again.

More ‘day in the life’ posts:

Day in the life with a 1 month old

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purelylori August 1, 2012 - 9:39 am

and I thought I was busy with a little puppy 😉
Hunter is so cute, and oh yes better to poop in diaper then while in the middle of changing haha.

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:47 pm

Haha puppy’s are busy too!

Erika August 1, 2012 - 9:45 am

My baby is about to be a year old – I kinda miss those first-month baby days.

That mango salsa looks really good.

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:47 pm

I have a feeling I’ll miss them too once they’re gone

amy August 1, 2012 - 10:16 am

i love reading these bc im trying to mentally prepare myself for whats comin soon-only 5 more weeks! 🙂 hes such a cutie!

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:49 pm

Thanks Amy! You’ll have your own little munchkin filling up your day very soon 🙂

Jentry Nielsen August 1, 2012 - 10:54 am

Oh my goodness he is so sweet! I can only imagine having a baby sure makes your day jam packed…and you have proven that! ha

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:49 pm

Jam packed for sure, but all with good things 🙂

Erica August 1, 2012 - 1:00 pm

aww- hes so darn cute! Life as a Mama! Busy busy! Hes getting so big- so so cute

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:50 pm

I know, he’s sure growing fast!

Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama} August 1, 2012 - 1:06 pm

Aww I love all the pictures! So so cute. And it never fails–you want to take a shower, the baby SHOULD be sleeping, and sure enough baby wakes up! It’s like they have a “mom wants to take a shower” radar or something.

Fit Mama August 1, 2012 - 9:52 pm

Seriously, I think they do!


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