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As I was sitting folding laundry today I realized that I didn’t hate it. And that is definitely not the norm when it comes to laundry. Typically I feel this overwhelming sense of dread when I get around to mundane house tasks, but I actually didn’t mind it this time. Then I got to thinking about other household tasks. Normally I tend to put them off until the last minute and only do the least amount that I have to (wash dishes but leave them on the counter to dry, spot sweep, pick up toys but leave clothes laying around, etc.), but things have changed. Now I feel extra good about helping out my family with the work I do to make our living space better for us. Want to know what I realized?
The housework is my job I signed up for in our marriage. It’s the job I chose when I was blessed to stay home with the kids.
I knew it was my job all along, but finally it clicked in my head and I look forward to doing these tasks that not only keep our house a touch nicer (don’t be fooled, it will never be one of those pristine houses), but I know my husband will come home to a comfortable place instead of a home where he feels he needs to pick up and clean after a long stressful day of work. I want him to feel that he can actually relax in our home without a chaotic mess all around.
Growing up in school when all the feminist talk was going on I remember hearing so much about ‘marriages being equal’ and ‘men need to do half the work around the house’ like it was bad that women kept houses clean. Jacob is the leader in our house and by me contributing I can not only serve him but bless our house. I’m not saying I don’t appreciate when Jacob helps around the house (he still does daily but I try my best to get as much done as I can so he doesn’t need to), but for me I don’t want to feel like he needs to. I don’t want to resent doing dishes nightly, instead I want to feel like I’m fulfilling my duty to serve my house how I chose to and how I am blessed to do.
Let me tell you, it’s amazing and freeing finally realizing this. It’s the slightest shift in mindset but for me it’s made such a difference.
Where do you stand on household tasks? Dread them or enjoy them?