Home | hunter's stocking sneak peak + more toddler stocking stuffer ideas

hunter's stocking sneak peak + more toddler stocking stuffer ideas

by Heather Englund

Hello!  Hope you enjoyed the little apple pie treats I shared yesterday. If you missed them, be sure to check em out.

Christmas is officially 8 days away – yikes!  We still have one gift not figured out, many gifts to still arrive in the mail (I’ve been loving amazon this year) and many gifts to make.  Procrastinate much Heather?  Yeah….

Thankfully we have Hunter all finished up, including his stocking!  Last year at 7 months he wasn’t too into Christmas or his stocking, but I think he’ll be a bit more pumped about it this year.

I wanted to fill his stocking with treats that I knew he’d love, but not junk food candy.  Also useful gifts he’d be excited about that won’t just turn into junky clutter I want to ban to the attic or garbage.

Speaking of his stocking, how ADORABLE is this cross stitch snowmen stocking my aunt Arneta made for Hunter?!  Just had to share.


Okay, back to it.  Here’s what we’re planning to fill his stocking with + some other great toddler stocking stuffer ideas!


  • Mini boxes of raisins
  • Clementines AKA cuties
  • Fruit/veggie pouches

Raisins are his favorite thing ever.  He’s been chowing down on cuties like crazy lately and I love hearing him ask for ‘oranges, oranges, more more oranges peeez!’.  Fruit/veggies pouches are a special treat – they really are only given in emergencies when I have nothing else on hand and we’re out.


  • 3 mini wood music instruments
  • Forks

I found the instruments for $1 each in the dollar bins at target.  Fun and cute! I stole the fork idea from Brittany – like her we have tons of spoons, but only one fork.

I wrapped the ‘fun’ things up and will keep the treats unwrapped.

More toddler stocking stuffer ideas

  • Itty bitty undies
  • Socks
  • Small board books (actually, I’ll probably get a couple from the $1 bin at target)
  • Little toy animals
  • Play dough
  • Balls
  • Mini flashlight (Hunter LOVES playing with flashlights – another $1 bin idea from target!)
  • Flash cards
  • Hat and/or mittens
  • Little cars/hot wheels

Are you and your family into stockings?  What are some favorite toddler stocking stuffers?  I’m not planning on adding anything else, but if an idea is super good I might not be able to pass it up.  🙂


PS: only a few more days to enter the Lick The Bowl Clean giveaway!

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Erica December 17, 2013 - 11:48 am

Great ideas! I love those forks (and so does Kay). We are putting in snacks, a fancy water bottle (like Mamas), and other small toys

ErikaMC December 17, 2013 - 11:52 am

I love the $1 bins at Target! We have a lot of the same stocking stuffers and also toothbrush and toothpaste, vitamins, crayons, harmonica and socks.

Fit Mama December 17, 2013 - 12:50 pm

Oooo harmonica! I need to look for one of those!

Jade December 18, 2013 - 9:38 am

Great Ideas! I seem a tad like scrooge this year as my side of the family isn’t exchanging gifts at all and so I’m like “do I need to do a stocking?” but I probably should!

cora December 21, 2013 - 9:57 pm

I got H some of those little parachuter guys! He won’t be able to do it himself but I think he will get a kick out of watching them fly.


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