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By 7am today I had…
- made a batch of PB chocolate chip granola bars
- ran a load of dishes
- hand washed dishes and even put them away
- cleaned the sink and toilet in the upstairs bathroom with new homemade cleaner, which I also made this morning
- pressure cooked a batch of chickpeas
Then by 9am I had…
- made a batch of anytime cookie
- tasted an anytime cookie
- wished I had written down said anytime cookie recipe while I was throwing them together
- made breakfast for me (creamy banana custard oats) and Jacob (super eggs)
- read a chapter in The Purpose Driven Life
- unloaded the dish washer
- washed/put away the new dirty dishes I made
- started a load of laundry
- packed snacks/lunch for Jacob to take to work
My productivity today must be making up for the fact that I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday. It rocked.
Well, okay we did go grocery shopping and pick up frames at JoAnns (60% off… we bought 5 medium/large frames for under $30!).
I can’t say my grocery shopping was of the better ones. I started out strong by meal planning.
Saturday: super eggs
Sunday: curry chickpea mash + homemade naan
Monday: lentil loaf + brussel sprouts
Tuesday: naan pizza
Wednesday: burritos
Thursday: Crunchy tofu nuggets + salad
Friday: Chickpea chop
I even made my 2 lists… one for Trader Joes and one for Fred Meyer.
From Trader Joes…
Eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese and goat cheese
Romaine, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, sweet onions, teeny tiny potatoes, apples and avocado
Sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, spicy peanut dressing, castile soup and brown rice veggie rolls (eaten by Jacob right away)
Total spent at Trader Joes: $41.37
Notes: I’m not counting Jacob’s rolls + the castile soap in my total. If I had the total would have been $54.87.
Onto the next store. To Freddies, where I had a 10% off coupon for entire purchase!
Kale, cantaloupe, cucumbers, green onion and bananas.
Bulk items: whole wheat flour, rolled oats, dried chickpeas, raisins, walnuts and natural cane sugar
Panko, deodorant, apple sauce, coffee filters, mayo, artichoke hearts, sharp cheddar cheese, field roast veggie sausage and chocolate chips
Diced tomatoes, tomato paste, refried beans and pumpkin (!)
Total spent at Fred Meyer: $48.85
Bringing the weekly total to $90.22.
Ummm… yeah, I totally went over my $75 budget. I guess I was feeling a bit more lenient, but there were other reasons why I think we went over.
- shopped at Trader Joes – it’s expensive there!
- bought non-necessities
- we’re actually planning for this to last us thought next Sunday since we’ll be going up to the lake house Thursday-Sunday and hopefully not picking up any extra foods
- I was being lazy (big reason!)
So yeah, I didn’t meet my goal. Luckily, it gives me more drive to meet my goal for next week!
Since September is now over (crazy), let’s see how much I spent on groceries for the entire month…
Yay, so happy with that! $400 is a goal of mine to hit, so I’m happy to see that I met it.
I also plan to re-cap my September goals… I better knock a couple more off the list today while I’m still being productive. Or I might go take a nap. One of the 2 will happen.
See ya later!
How’s your Sunday going?
Oh, and I’m still waiting to hear from a couple winners. Make sure to check and see if you won some coffee!
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Isn’t it funny how we’re so productive the day after no productivity? Please post your recipe for the curry chickpea mash + homemade naan! Sounds delicious. I’m on a big curry kick these days ha. Also, I noticed your Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip granola recipe and I’m definitely making that for a co-workers bday party this week!! Thanks for all the great recipe ideas 🙂
Hey girl here’s the curry chickpea mash + naan recipe…