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Happy Halloween!

Did you dress up today?  Truth is, I’m really not a big halloween person – we turn the porch lights off and don’t ever get candy – sorry kiddos.  However, I do find it fun to dress up for classes!  Today was 80s workout gear + 80s workout music.


I brought along some chocolate covered fruit (pineapple stars, grapes, bananas and oranges) + orange slices.  Tricky treats I called them.  The leftovers I’m currently enjoying as I type this.


I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve talked about much fitness related.  Actually, looking back the last post was in July.  This burpee-rific body blast interval workout.  Yikes!  Time to share another workout!

The poker workout for today I’ve done a few times in a couple different classes, with different exercises to mix it up.  It’s a fun change and although there are grunts, most people seems to enjoy it.  The latest poker workout was actually requested, so of course I obliged. 🙂

However, if you prefer to keep it simple and play poker like you regularly do, you can play online at the white label casino a safe place where you can feel as if you were gambling in Las Vegas.

the poker workout

Here’s the breakdown of any poker workout, then I’ll share an example of one you can, and totally should do.

What you need:

  • 52 card poker deck
  • 8 different exercises
  • time limit to push yourself

I’ve done this in 45 minute classes (so about 35 minutes of active work after the warm up + cool down/stretch), and out of the 3 times, we’ve gotten through the entire deck right at the end.  I think a time limit pushes you to keep going as you tire.

You’ll assign a different exercise to the 2-10 of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs + the A, J, Q and K.  When you draw a numbered card, you complete that many reps of the exercise (say hearts are pushups and you pick the 8 of hearts, you then do 8 pushups).

The Poker Workout

Now onto a workout!  Try this one on your own, or with a group of friends!  It’s fun, I promise. 🙂

Hearts – wide hand pushups

Diamonds – tricep dips

Spades – renegade row

Clubs – backward stepping lunges with hammer curls

Jack – 1 minute wall sit

Queen – 10 burpess

King – 10 squat jumps

Ace – 1 minute plank


Pick a 6 of clubs: do 6 backward stepping lunges with hammer curls on each leg (so really 12 lunges)

Pick an ace of spades: hold a plank for 1 minute

Pick a 10 of spades: 10 renegade rows each arm (see a video of the exercise here)

Pick 4 aces in a row: you’re doing 4 minutes of planks 🙂

Have you ever done a poker workout?  Do you totally want to now?!  (yes, yes, yes)  Did you dress up, or plan to tonight?

Have a great day!


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Hi! I’m Heather, the creator of Fit Mama Real Food, cookbook author, nutrition coach, group fitness instructor, wife, and mom of four. I’m so glad you are here!

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  1. Matt @ Pickleball says:

    great idea, really creative way to mix up your workouts.

  2. Christina says:

    Using poker like this is a creative way to get in a good workout. Both the 80’s gear and the snacks look nice.

  3. janetha says:

    I love deck of card workouts! They are always super fun and unpredictable!

  4. Erica says:

    Oh no!!! Halloween is huge here! We have people over and sit on the porch and give out candy and for the adults-beer! We keep frank in the back room with the tv on. Love the treats!

    1. Fit Mama says:

      That is awesome, I’ve never see anyone give out beer before! Did Kay love trick or treating?

  5. Joy says:

    Disgusting! The chocolate covered fruit is a nice idea, but turning off your porch light is just disgusting. It’s for the KIDS! Be nice!

    1. Fit Mama says:

      Haha, we aren’t kid haters. Our dog goes crazy and barks a ton when anyone comes to the door and it would wake up our little fella since he goes to bed early.

  6. Kelli says:

    What?….You turn your porch light off, I can’t believe that!!!

    1. Fit Mama says:

      Well, the main reason is our dog barking like crazy when anyone comes to the door and hunter goes to bed early, so him waking a lot wouldn’t be very fun.