Home | 2nd pregnancy: weeks 27-30

2nd pregnancy: weeks 27-30

by Heather

I am sooooooo close to being 2 months away from my due date!  Since my last update ended at 26 weeks, I’ll continue on at 27 weeks…


Just at the tale end of my second trimester and feeling pretty good.  I left off with my glucose test scheduled which went well.  Everything came back normal, but I really had no worries about it.


I’ve been super into yogurt + granola lately and also chocolate coconut water.  Also, I made a chocolate cake which is to die for, but since I tend to nibble in the evening on it I’m left with super bad heartburn all night, so my cake eating has been limited.  Boo.  Chocolate is the one thing that instantly gives me heartburn.  Torture for a pregnant lady!

Oranges, grapefruit and really any fruit have been favorites too.  I actually don’t really have an averstions going on.  Meats, veggies, breads… they are all good.  My belly is definitely beginning to feel more full faster at dinner now.  I’ll still be hungry, but it just feels already uncomfortably full.  Means more snacking in my life. 🙂

28 weeks means third and final trimester!



After almost a week off, today I was back to teaching.  It felt sooooo good to be back!  I had actually been feeling a lot more pulling and discomfort in the lower part of my belly, but now it’s feeling back to normal.  Maybe I just needed a bit more movement.  One of my weekly classes went away, so I’m down to 7 a week.  Perfect for now. 🙂  The mix: 4 strength (3 of them are bodypump), 1 cardio (bodycombat) and 2 yoga.  Love it.


I’m feeling her foot or butt pressing out a lot more.  Not really kicks (which I do feel a ton), but her just hanging out in a position that makes it so I can’t hunch over very easily.  Probably a good thing, I feel like I’ve had horrible posture this pregnancy and should really work on pulling my shoulders back a lot more.

I think my belly has a pretty similar shape and size as with my first pregnancy.  Earlier on I felt like the pictures showed my belly as growing faster this second time around, but now it’s evened out and size wise they look the same.  The further I get the more round like a ball my belly looks.

Ignore the crazy lady face below…



We are so not preparing at all this time.  Major procrastinations is happening. I think mentally once the new year hits I’ll dedicate more time to getting some things ready… like a crib in the shared nursery, bassinet in our room, newborn cloth diapers washed, some newborn clothes washed, make some decor for her wall… I so don’t have a plan of what I need/want to do to get ready.  Obviously, I’m much more relaxed this time.  One thing we have done is remove the hollywood closet that was taking up an entire wall in the nursery to make space to have the changing table and another crib in the room, so I guess a little bit of prep has happened.  It’s all slow going though.



Coming up tomorrow I’ll go in for another midwife appointment (feels like it’s been forever since I’ve had one, but it was at 26 weeks) and get to meet a different midwife than at our first appointment.  After this I believe they’ll shorten to every 2 weeks until I’m 36 weeks along, then weekly, so it’ll give me a good chance to meet the other 5 midwives in the group.  I’m just hoping for a familiar face when we get to the hospital!  I’m excited because Jacob will get to be there too.  I know he wants to meet the midwives and it’s always fun to hear our little girl.

Loving the high + crooked bun all the time…


I’m sure my next update will be 3-4 weeks from now, which puts me much closer to being full term!  Seriously cannot believe we are less than 10 weeks out.  I wonder if she’ll be late like Hunter was?  I don’t think she’ll be early, but Hunter was only 3 days late… maybe she’ll be a lot later?  What is she ended up actually being a boy?  Ha, that would be a surprise!  Oh the unknown!  Exciting times ahead. 🙂

Have you known anyone that has gotten a surprise at delivery… expected a girl but had a boy or vice versa?  I wonder how often that happens…


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Erica December 12, 2013 - 6:29 pm

I only know of someone who was told the sex would be one thing at the first ultrasound and found out later it was the other sex. You look great. Heartburn stinks! Awesome that you’re still teaching so much <3 <3

Jade December 13, 2013 - 9:19 am

My friend (her first too) was told it was girl at several visits including the determination ultrasound. It wasn’t until about a week before she finally popped that the doc came in asked the regular “So do you know what you are having” and she said “Girl” — which at her house she had made the nursery very very pink and girly — and the doc was like “Um, that is actually not correct, it is a boy” cue hormones, tears, and a very strong urge to paint the room to a more manly color. Needless to say, they didn’t find out the sex for their second, which was also a boy, as they already had their surprise!

ErikaMC December 13, 2013 - 1:28 pm

I know a gal who was told she was having a girl. The had the name picked out all the clothes bought and the nursery completely decorated. She ended up having a boy. It’s kinda funny now but I’m sure she didn’t think so at the time.

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