Home | healthy through the holidays – #103 fit mama real food radio

healthy through the holidays – #103 fit mama real food radio

by Heather

We’re officially into holiday season over here which means it’s the perfect time to talk about ways to stay healthy through the holidays.

Personally, I could not be more excited for this season! Delicious food and special time with family and friends is something I truly look forward to. Plus extra time away from school (for my kids) and work (for my hubby) means more togetherness for my little family.

Simply the best!

Managing holiday stress

As I write this, I also understand that holidays can also bring on stress. Family dynamics can be tricky to navigate. Travel can throw a wrench in routine. There is just so much more to do! Plus, building and maintaining healthy habits can take more work.

I won’t sugar coat it here. Making healthy food choices can be tricky when you’re surrounded by tempting treats.

How do you find a balance that will leave you feeling good physically and also mentally? These are the kinds of questions my podcast guest and I tackle in today’s episode!

Healthy through the holidays with Tanja Shaw

How to stay healthy through the holidays

In the podcast episode my friend Tanja Shaw and I answer your listener questions on how to stay healthy through the holidays.

Here are some of the questions we covered:

  • How do I handle food pushers?
  • How do I balance healthy eating with wanting to ‘live a little’ and enjoy the holiday festivities?
  • How do I avoid a reckless abandonment eating mindset that results in a stereotypical New Years resolution to start a diet and get in shape?
  • How do I make good food choices at the many holiday parties?
  • How do I fit my workouts in during the busy holiday season?
  • How do I deal with holiday bloat?
FMRFR Episode 49: Tips for a healthy and stress-free holiday season

Want more to listen to?

Looking for more tips for a healthy and stress-free holiday season? Be sure to listen back on episode #49 of Fit Mama Real Food Radio for that!

Tune in to episode #105 for how to stress less during the holiday season.

In episode #49 we cover:

  • Tips for healthy eating
  • Movement every day
  • Stress management ideas
Healthy through the holidays with Tanja Shaw

Healthy through the holidays with Tanja Shaw

In episode 103 of Fit Mama Real Food Radio I am joined by Tanja Shaw for a great conversation answering your listener questions on how to stay healthy through the holidays. We answered questions on dealing with food pushers, making healthy food choices at parties, enjoying the holiday food without reckless abandonment, dealing with holiday bloat and also how to stay active during this busier season.

Tanja Shaw is a sought-after lifestyle coach, successful entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and is one of 500 Certified High-Performance Coaches in the world. As the founder of Ascend Fitness + Lifestyle, a holistic health coaching studio in Chilliwack, BC, and The Whole You Transformation ProjectTM. Tanja has built a credible reputation for helping 1000s of men and women feel GOOD in their bodies, through her powerful holistic focused health, fitness, nutrition and personal development programs.

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