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Recently I spent 2 full days attending the YogaFit Level 1 Foundations Teacher Training. I’m excited to share my experience + what I took away from the weekend training!
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I love yoga. Do you? I find people either love it or find it a challenge to start and stick with (for the mind or body).
I began my yoga practice on and off about 10 years ago, then close to 6 years ago got thrown into teaching a fitness yoga class. I then began expanding my knowledge, understanding and expertise. I’ve personally been wanting to attend the YogaFit Level 1 Foundations Teacher Training for years now, but with little ones, it just became hard to get away for a full weekend. However, knowing that soon I’ll be nursing a new little one soon, which makes long stretches away more difficult, I took advantage of a training coming into Portland and jumped in feet first!
YogaFit Level 1 Foundations Teacher Training Recap
The training was 2 full days long. It went from 8am-6pm the first day, and then 8am-5pm the second day.
I was immediately excited upon walking into the training because the trainer is an instructor friend of mine. So, so fun!
Here’s a run down of how the weekend played out.
Day 1
We started with the background of YogaFit:
- The different roots and styles YogaFit pulls from to create the unique class geared more towards the gym environment
- The essences of a YogaFit class
- The principals of alignment
- How the YogaFit classes are designed (with mountains and valleys)
We then went through a 60 minutes YogaFit class. One of the sample classes outlined in the workbook. It was amazing, challenging and balanced.
From there we began going through the 46 fundamental poses. Each pose was modeled. Along with modeling and trying out the pose, we talked about alignment cues and modifications. [During that time we took a lunch break as well]
We got through most of the poses, and finished the day with a 30 minutes gentle yoga class (another sample from the workbook). It was the perfect calming way to finish the day, especially after our brains had taken in so much information.
I left the day super tired, mentally and physically (I am not used to sitting so much all day while being 7 months pregnant!), but I was 100% inspired. We were given homework for the evening, but since I was so tired and wanted to spend time with my husband, I pushed it off until first thing the next morning. The homework was to write out transformation language cues for 3 sections of a class.
My biggest take always from day 1: Wow, I really hyper extend my elbows and knees. I honestly never knew or thought about it, but after putting attention to it I really have to work on not automatically locking out my joints. Going through each pose really helped me to fully understand them, and the alignment.
Day 2
We began the morning going around the circle sharing about how we felt after the the first day. We also chatted briefly about the homework as well.
Then we went into an amazing 60 minute class (a sample one from the workbook). I felt like any tightness from the day before had faded away by the end.
We spent the next 1.5 hours going through the remainder of the poses we had left from the day before, then broke for lunch.
After lunch we took some time to talk about breath and the different types of breath work to use in class.
Then we had the opportunity to pair up with another class member and take them through a warm up section (sample from the book). We worked on adding in the transformation language we wrote out in our homework.
We did the same 2 more times, but through the work section, then the cool down section. Each time we got now partners and gave and received feed back and encouragement. The hardest part for me was changing my wording to be more affirmative, instead of just direction oriented, which is how I tend to teach.
Lastly we chatted through more pages in the workbook about health concerns, the different training options YogaFit offers and how to obtain a RYT 200 if that’s a desired goal. We also went over the 8 hours of volunteer yoga requirement to complete the certification.
My biggest take away from day 2: Word choice is vital when designing a class. It allows you to give students a certain feel for the class. It felt really awkward at first changing my wording, but I’m sure with practice it will become more natural and second nature.
Moving forward
I have already started to implement a lot of the principals I learned from the training with my yoga clients and it’s going so well! They’re getting a lot out of it, and my own personal practice is benefiting too. I naturally find it easy to do all the stretchy poses since my flexibility is on point, but having to pull back and focus on the strength and control brings a new level of challenge.
It’s eye opening to work on finding the balance between flexibility and strength. I’m excited to see where working on that takes me!
I hope you got something out of this YogaFit Level 1 Foundations Teacher Training recap. Please get in touch if you have any questions about topics from the training that I may have not covered, I would love to help!
I am so glad you took the time to share your experience of the Yogafit Level One training. I am also considering taking this course. Your description makes me think this is the direction I want to go in as well. I currently teach group fit barre, water fitness and TRX classes so it would be a great addition, I think. Thank you again for sharing!
Glad it was helpful Kelly! Let me know how it goes for you if you take the course, or if you have any more questions about it. Happy to be a resource! 🙂
Thank you for sharing about Yogafit Level 1 training. I am interested in going and the information helped me to know exactly what would be going on in the training. I have a very basic knowledge of yoga and love it! I hope to be able to teach it at our gym since it is difficult to find anyone in our area that is willing. I am excited for the challenge! Along with this I am studying to be a certified group fitness instructor, new challenges all around. Thank you again for the detailed info on the training.
Hi Pam! You are in for a fun adventure! I’m glad the recap was helpful and gave you an idea of whats t come. PLEASE do reach out if you have any questions as you journey into yoga and teaching group fitness classes. Be sure to check out my group fitness instructor page, there may be more helpful posts for you there!