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Hey! Thanks for all the sweet comments on Zoe’s 1 year letter here, on Facebook and in person. I didn’t really have much intention of writing it, it just naturally happened and I’m so glad it was shared with you all. 🙂

We celebrated a family filled fun day on Saturday at the Oregon Zoo!  We all had so much fun and the sunshine was perfect.  Just a little cool but sunny, I love it! It couldn’t have been better.


Now let’s see what we ate for dinners last week!  As always, when there is a recipe to link to, you’ll see it.  The asterisk next to a day is to help me remember when Jacob loved a meal or wanted me to write it down.


Sunday – crockpot coconut curry lamb + jasmine rice + steamed broccoli

Monday – whole wheat spaghetti with tomato sauce + beefalo meatballs + spaghetti squash + roasted asparagus


Tuesday – sausage and brussel sprout quiche + salad


Wednesday – fish tacos + feta coleslaw + steamed carrots and cauliflower

Thursday – flank steak + cheesy pasta and cauliflower bake + shredded sautéd brussel sprouts

Friday – cheeses + sausage + crusty bread (date night in!)

Saturday – thai zucchini beef meatballs + whole wheat pasta + steamed broccoli

Our bake element died a couple months ago (someone named heather maaaay have caught it on fire a little) so I had been living with a half working oven for quite some time, but Saturday we got it fixed! It was a true team effort – my mom helped me find the model number, I picked up the new element then Jacob installed it. Baking in a fully working oven is nothing to take for granted, so glad to have it working once again!

What is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb, if you eat it?  I absolutely love it, but normally more from restaurants.  I need a good lamb recipe.  Please share if you have one!


Previous what we ate posts:

January 18-24, 2015

January 25-31, 2015

February 1-14, 2015

February 15-21, 2015

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Hi! I’m Heather, the creator of Fit Mama Real Food, cookbook author, nutrition coach, group fitness instructor, wife, and mom of four. I’m so glad you are here!

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  1. Meagan says:

    I need to start using my crockpot more often. We eat out too much!

    1. Fit Mama says:

      The crockpot will seriously make dinner time so much easier and will save you money too! Less eating out that way. 🙂

  2. Rebecca says:

    One of my favorite lamb recipes is ‘lamb burgers’. You just brown ground lamb in a skillet, drain, and stuff into a pita with feta, lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, etc. So easy and so good!

    1. Fit Mama says:

      Thanks Rebecca, I’ll have to try it! Love a good lamb burger.