The last time I shared a ‘day in life’ post was when Zoe was just a wee little newborn baby. A new day in life post is definitely due! Now Zoe is almost 2 years old and Hunter is a few months shy of being 4 years old. I snapped a bunch of pictures during our semi-normal Monday last week. Hope you enjoy!
Wake somewhere in the 4 o’clock hour to the hubs getting ready and leaving for work. Try to fall back to sleep but can’t.
5:30am Grab coffee and banana and head back up to bed for my daily bible reading. Once done I hop in the shower, dry my hair, make the bed, tidy the bedroom, snap a quick 36 week pregnancy picture and head downstairs.
6:30am Get breakfast cooking on the stove, take out garbage and recycling and grab the infant car seat from the shed.
6:50am Hunter comes upstairs, does some silly face pictures to send to daddy and then helps me clean the infant car seat.
7:15am Hunter and I begin eating and I feed the dog. Custard oatmeal/quinoa cooked with coconut milk, banana, vanilla and cinnamon then topped with peanut butter and fresh blueberries.
7:30am Zoe wakes and starts breakfast, Hunter is done and gets cleaned up.
8am -10am kids color, help me fold laundry, we put it away upstairs and downstairs, head outside to the garage (I clean the car while they draw with chalk in the driveway).
10am Snack! They both eat 2.5 bananas, I munch on one while cleaning up the dishes from breakfast and prepping their lunch + my post workout snack.
10:40am Grandparents arrive to watch the kids, I leave and have some extra minutes before teaching so I redo my hair with a braid (it doesn’t last both classes). I also munch on some dates.
11:30-1pm Teach 2 classes (fitness yoga and sculpt and tone) while the kiddos have fun at home.
1:10pm Before driving home I eat some yogurt and granola plus an apple and then listen to part of an episode of the balanced bites podcast on my drive back home.
Once home I help get Zoe to sleep, then do a quick shower while Hunter reads plays in my bed, then we prep dinner.
Hunter helps rip up the kale for kale chips, I saute ground beefalo and add tomato sauce to it to simmer. Olive oil, sea salt, pepper and garlic granules are mixed with the kale.
2:30pm My second lunch of leftovers happens, then Hunter does stamping while I work on THIS blog post.
3:15pm Zoe is up from her nap and snacking on some grapes. Hunter gets in on that action too.
The afternoon is a blur of playing and finishing dinner prep + Jacob gets home, which we all love.
He was given a selfie stick at work, so we have a little fun with that.
Clean up the kiddos then they play.
While they play I prep Jacob’s food for tomorrow and clean the kitchen.
7:15pm kids are down for the night, we finish picking up the living room, relax for a bit, then head upstairs to watch an episode of the new girl. And by 8:30pm we are done for the day, lights out!
If you want to look back on previous day in the life posts, check them out below:
I am amazed at how well you manage to juggle the housework, food prep, entertaining the kiddos as well as fitting in blogging! All while 36 weeks pregnant!
Thanks Corina! It’s taken practice for sure.
[…] I shared a day in the life with two toddlers post (read HERE). […]
[…] day in the life with a one month old, two month old, three month old, alone with two kids and two toddlers – and absolutely I love looking back and seeing what life was like at different points in […]
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