Home | Learning To Trust Your Body with Katherine Herbison – #130 Fit Mama Real Food Radio

Learning To Trust Your Body with Katherine Herbison – #130 Fit Mama Real Food Radio

by Heather Englund

If you’ve ever struggled with learning to trust your body with what you eat, how you move or even the kindness you show to yourself, this episode is for you. Katherine Herbison shares her own past struggles, and how she used intuitive eating as part of her healing journey. Katherine helps women navigate this sticky situation, and throughout the episode gives us a lot of insights on how we can tune in to our unique needs through trust.

Learning To Trust Your Body with Katherine Herbison - #130 Fit Mama Real Food Radio

What is body trust?

Body trust takes the control away from you, and turns it around to truly tuning in and listening to what your body needs. Often we can control the food we eat, the movement we do, or the words we speak to ourselves.

But what if we allowed our body to tell us what we needed? How do we even tune in to that?

If you’ve ever asked those questions, then I am glad you are here for this episode!

More episodes on body trust:

Learning To Trust Your Body with Katherine Herbison - #130 Fit Mama Real Food Radio

Learning to trust your body with Katherine Herbison

In episode #130 of Fit Mama Real Food Radio Katherine Herbison, an integrative nutrition health coach shares how we can learn to trust our body through intuitive eating, movement and self love. Katherine shares her story of not trusting her body and treating it with respect, and how she turned that around.

Links from the show

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